First Capsule Drop

First Capsule Drop

I figured I would share some inspiration behind my first capsule drop. I have this strange affinity towards thrifting all things ruffled, lacy, and white (cream or ivory).
Honestly, it’s a problem.

But all these pieces that I’ve been collecting over the years s s CD g have culminated into a style that feels uniquely “me,” and the best part is that each piece is uniquely different from one another and sustainably upcycled.

I think of my creative process as one of reduction. Typically, in fashion, one starts with a basal inspiration for a look; and then they seek out the materials that they need to enact whatever it is that they are making. In my case, because I craft from items that are already made for consumption, my creative process first requires reduction and then creation subsequently follows. I love finding discarded items and giving them new a life and purpose.

This particular drop draws upon strong themes from Beyoncé’s Lemonade, combined with the cottagecore whimsy and magic of Alice Through the Looking Glass. I have been hoarding vintage wedding dresses, intimate wear, and fabrics that speak to this theme in order to create a style that blends the creation of the future with the reduction of the past. Stay tuned for what’s to come!

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